Update 5.4.0



Time to Shine!

Welcome back, Contestants! This week we have a plethora of bug fixes, an updated store, and a new stop on the World Tour! 

This is the second week of the ISEUL-T Cup and our sponsors are illuminating the Arena with spotlights that shine bright over every active Cashout Station! Bask in the glow of this light to earn additional fans while you defend, attack, or just strike a pose! Your time in the limelight will be rewarding!

This week the Arenas will be:

  • Seoul

  • Fortune Stadium

  • Horizon

  • Las Vegas

Finally, check out the new store before heading down to read the bullets: 

Content and Bug Fixes 


  • Fixed an issue where sights on the Cerberus shotgun could misalign and feel intrusive when aiming down sights

  • Fixed a bug where reload animations on the Cerberus could intersect

  • Fixed an animation error that could occur when swapping between items while vaulting 

  • Fixed an issue where the red dot sight on the M26 Matter could move out of the sight window when reloading


  • Earnings in Powershift will now count towards the total cash earned on some Contracts


Gravity Vortex

  • The Gravity Vortex’s particle effect, prior to activation, will now be visible to teammates


  • Fixed a rare issue where the zipline Gadget would not connect to some surfaces

Game Modes 

Quick Cash

  • Fixed an issue that could occasionally cause respawning teams to be placed too close to already spawned enemy teams



  • Improved traversal in some areas that caused issues when using Charge ‘n’ Slam

  • VFX polish and additions across multiple Bernal assets that previously had missing effects

Player Cards

  • Fixed an issue causing facemasks to clip on player cards

Private Matches

  • Fixed an issue where the HUD could sometimes not be visible for spectators in private matches


  • Fixed an issue with the APS Turret and Guardian Turret that caused them to stop rendering at shorter distances than they should, when using Low graphics settings 


  • Added a new secondary scaling option named "Upscaled Resolution”

  • Reworked the naming and description texts of existing resolution-related options to give more information on how various resolutions are used

  • Resolution scaling sliders are now showing the scaled resolutions in pixels as well as the scaling percentage


Change ‘n Slam

  • Fixed an issue where the Gravity Vortex could essentially capture players using the Charge ‘n’ Slam, rather than letting them pass through it

  • Fixed a rare issue where sprinting could desync between client and server, causing issues where it looks like you are sprinting but you are not. This happened most frequently after performing Charge ‘n’ Slam


  • Fixed an issue that sometimes made it impossible to re-materialize walls that are close to a Cashout Station


  • Fixed an issue with Player Cards that could sometimes make them too bright 

  • Fixed an issue that caused player names to flicker in the recently played with section of the Social menu

  • Fixed an issue within messages in the eliminations log Club tags to have the wrong color

  • Fixed an issue where the character could sometimes perform the wrong emote

  • Fixed an issue with the reload duration stat for the KS-23 shotgun on the Equipment screen, as it didn’t match the current balance


  • Added the light visual indicator to the ‘Blast Back’ C4 skin, so players can tell when a deployed charge is primed and ready to detonate  

  • Added missing destruction state effects on multiple objects across all maps


Store Update 5.5.0


Update 5.3.0